Weapon Flashlight and Barricade Techniques
It is a statistical fact that the majority of deadly force encounters occur at distances of 21 feet or less in low light conditions (between the hours of 6pm and 6am). In light of this situation
All American Body Guard Training Center is offering a first phase 6 hour handgun training class for individuals who may have to use deadly force to defend themselves or others in a close quarter’s low light environment.
Course requirements:
Attendees must be over 21 years of age
Attendees be able to safely draw and fire their weapons from a strong side holster, Attendees must be able to fire their weapons from both supported and unsupported (one-handed) positions.
This course covers shooting while using a flashlight, shooting while moving, and shooting while moving and using a flashlight, and shooting from cover. Various flashlight and weapon control techniques will be presented and utilized during the course.
Attendees will draw and fire from the holster, fire while moving and fire in unusual positions from supported and unsupported positions and fire while using flashlights in low light conditions. Target identification, a prerequisite to the use of deadly force, will be stressed during the course.
Class sized is limited to six (6) students
Cost per student: $250
Attendees will need:
Semi-automatic pistol in caliber 9mm or larger
Strong side forward facing holster
Minimum of 3 magazines (more is a good idea) & magazine pouch
Minimum of 500 rounds of appropriate handgun ammo
Hearing protection
Warp around eye protection
Baseball style hat
Closed toe footwear
Optional equipment includes: Weapon attachable light/knee pads/magazine reloading tool